Friday, March 2, 2012

Microsoft are trying to buy Yahoo?

Any company that sells a new product with 64,000 known bugs is just after a big fat profit, and has little interest in it's customers.

Bye bye Yahoo. Hello Google.

What do you reckon?

(Daily Telegraph Financial section, Sat 5th May)Microsoft are trying to buy Yahoo?
It was so reported yesterday both by New York Post %26amp; Wall Street Journal, although both MS %26amp; Yahoo are still keeping silent on the topic. They occupy 2nd %26amp; 3rd place %26amp; need to combine their sources to compete with Google.

On the other hand, Google has just launched their "iGoogle" which seems to be practically identical to Yahoo 360, so they can be said to be copycat at least in this respect.

It's a good thing for the general public though. The more competition these giants put against one another, the more you, me %26amp; everybody else will benefit.Microsoft are trying to buy Yahoo?
I seem to have read about a similar incident while searching the internet some time ago but did not really believe it could happen. If Microsoft does buy Yahoo then not only ' Y' will suffer but 'BT' because they partnered Yahoo and are half American. "That sucks".

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